Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sneak Peek

Mini Pink Lemonade Cupcakes for Friday at work. I think I may do a little experimenting with this recipe on the weekend.

Made a stop at Winners again today, thanks to the kindness of my friend Kim, who drove us. I bought a broom I had seen on my last visit. I love it, my twelve year old daughter hates it. She was actually horrified in the store that I was indeed buying it.

On a side note, Em, aka: Tall Child, informed me today that her friends have named her president of PETMA. "People for the Ethical Treatment of Marshmallow Animals." Apparently after being appointed, she celebrated by eating a pink Peep bunny. The VP celebrated by putting a Peep in the microwave. I'm so proud that my crazy gene will not end with me, and has obviously been passed to my offspring.

Btw, Em loved the broom.

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