Saturday, May 24, 2008

Best Laid Plans

Quality sleep is something I have been sorely missing of late, and I had planned to sleep as late as was humanly possible today, or at least as late as the cats would allow. Imagine my urge to maim disappointment when the jackasses workmen next door decided to begin grinding and cutting crap for some installation first thing this morning. So much for sleep.

After feeding the cats, so they would stop circling like sharks and a few chocolate covered jubes to ease my nerves I am here to post something I had planned on posting a few days ago. Actual knitting progress. A whole knitted baby bonnet, okay I still have to weave in the ends. Even more of a shocker, the sweater intended to accompany the bonnet is already on the needles. I tell ya, it's damn near a miracle.

For the bonnet, I have used the Fuzzy Brim Baby Bonnet pattern, and converted the fuzzy brim bit into a garter stitch folded brim. I also opted for three stitch i-cord for the ties instead of crochet.

If Satan's minions the workmen continue on their current course, therefore making a nap completely impossible, there may even be bread baking. My Foodie Girl Stumbled me to buns, a variation of Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day, I'm dying to try.

1 comment:

kelly.dee said...

Of all the crossed out words I laughed hardest at Satan's Minions.

I once told a friend that I thought someone I hate's kid was cute 'even if it did come out of Satan's Vagina'